Now the fun part, here's how to access your incredible discounts!
Scroll down to watch our handy tutorials.
Manage your Secret Chevalier Subscription by logging into your account at the top right.
How to access your Secret Chevalier Club account.
Step 1. Follow the link in your email to
Log in.
Step 2. Complete registration and your shopping preferences.
Step 3. Start exploring the incredible brands and offers available!
How to access your Equestrian Discount Codes.
Step 1. Click on 'Equestrian Discounts' in the main menu.
Step 2. Explore and select the brand you would like a discount for.
Step 3. Copy the discount code on this page. Follow the link to the retailers website and enter the discount code upon checkout.
How to download the app
Step 1. Log In to your Secret Chevalier Club account at
Step 2. Search for the 'savingspace' app in the App Store or on Google Play.
Step 3. Download the app and follow the instructions.